
Got mad at Drew Nemia today  😦
Drew Nemia mentioned us on tv  😀
It went something like this….

Hank Freelancer

Hank Freelancer

Hi Drew,

I’m writing this as a concerned C4 viewer.

It has gotten to the point where I will actually hit “mute” on my TV every time a song ends in fear of having to hear you rant on about absolute nonsense (not to mention the singing)

Now I can accept that you cater to a rather “young” audience, but seriously you make me cringe sometimes. Unnecessary laughter when people call in really gets to me. However you could well redeem yourself by simply subtly mocking the callers as a lot of them seem to have the IQ of a kitchen sponge so would not be offended.

Kinds Regards

  • Drew Neemia likes this.

    • Drew Neemia If u don’t like it, I have simple solution……..don’t watch my show!

    • Moana Lyttle Sorry dont agree, Drew is awesome. If u d0nt like him than dont watch select live then.

    • Hank Freelancer

      I never said I did not like your show Mr Neemia. There are simply some aspects that irritate me.

      You have plenty of fans I can see and will never please everyone, but I feel you are limiting your audience with some of your actions.

      Even if you were simply to stop singing, this would help. I don’t watch Select to see you advertise yourself, I watch it too fill in time. I know that if I were to advertise myself at the expense of my employers this would not go down well, but then I also don’t get paid to be on facebook.

    • Dominic Zuppin I also have this problem. How about a peaceful solution, once you have finished talking/laughing/singing play some bright flashing lights to catch the attention of people who have muted you. Therefore allowing everyone to watch their favourite parts without having to hurl abuse at you through the tv.

    • Bayley Victoria Plaskett wtf

    • Hank Freelancer I have just found that along with Dominic and me, there are a group of people who feel the same. Imagine that!

    • Drew Neemia There will be plenty of singing for Dom and Hank today! Yaaaaay! 🙂

    • Moana Lyttle Go drew! L0l

    • Dominic Zuppin Followed by bright flashing lights?

    • Hank Freelancer And here I was thinking that professionals liked constructive criticism? That is telling me one of two things……

    • Emily Harvey hank ur a fukn tool. just stik to the news one chanel one mate,

    • Laith Léonce Ajail haha haters these days ae

    • Moana Lyttle Haha crack up. Hard0ut

    • Hank Freelancer

      Thanks Emily, sadly the picture is of my father who passed away recently, I have it displayed as a display of respect for him and his life.
      But thankyou, at least there is no singing on the news. That actually brings me to my next point. Dr…ew you give us “news” on Select, and this would be quite fine, however its a week old at best.

Ended when he said this live on TV:
There are some fans of mine on facebook who really like my singing, so this goes out to them”
We are those fans!


Don’t talk smack about this car

Alexander Hills

Alexander Hills July 15 at 8:31pm
listen m8 wtf did i do for you to dis my car like this hey
Dominic Zuppin July 15 at 8:35pm
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry. I didn’t realise it was your car, I thought it was a joke.
Alexander Hills July 15 at 8:37pm
its my fukn car mate worked hard to get it to what it is and you just disrespect like you never had a fuckn car project in your life
Dominic Zuppin July 15 at 8:45pm
I only disrespected it because it looks like its been designed by someone with absolutly no taste ie. a toddler. I’ll tell you what, if you can write a perfectly structured sentence I will stop picking on you.
Alexander Hills July 15 at 8:48pm
hahaha what do you whant me to write i can do it in english or in Afrikaans
Dominic Zuppin July 15 at 8:49pm
English please. You’re not off to a good start.
Alexander Hills July 15 at 8:52pm
nevermind i advise you to take the comments of my photos thank you
Dominic Zuppin July 15 at 8:53pm
But they’re constructive!

Troy Jenkins

Tony Jenkins July 15 at 9:01pm Report
your just a ashole you dont know how much time has gone into that car just coz it doesnt have mags or body kit it doesnt mean it isnt good. if you sore what it looked like before he got it hes done a lot of work. you wouldnt like it if people started dising your car
Dominic Zuppin July 15 at 9:16pm
You’re right Tony! How could I have been so foolish. I now realise the triangles are not just atheistically pleasing, but also an incredibly strong shape meaning you could drive it straight through any obsticles. What you have created is infact a TANK!!

I have seen childrens bluprints for these but I never thought I would see 1 for real. Thank goodness Hitler did not get hold of such a design or we would certainly be doomed!
Sticks and stones will not break its bones, but as it appears my words have hurt you.

Blocked by two people and abused by many, its been a good night.

Shit That Sucks

Below is a list of things that suck, possibly to be expanded on at a later date. But probably not because I’ll forget the URL to this site because I didn’t add it to my favourites. Fuck I hate favourites.

  • Favourites- These aren’t my favourite sites, these are just useful things. Sometimes I even add sites I dislike so I can go back and see all the abuse they recieve.
  • Amy asking what my blogs about- Everyone will find out when its ready, except maybe Andrew cause he feeds me ideas.
  • This Song-
  • Owl City- How can the same people who abuse Justin Beiber for sounding like a girl also like this.
  • People with an overwhelming hatred for Justin Beiber- Hes 16 years old, calm the fuck down
  • E! Channel- It is not exciting enough to have an exclamation mark.
  • Guys with feelings- You know who you are.
  • Nickleback
  • Picking up the wrong piece of cutlery
  • Dog clothes
  • Cats that attack you for no reason
  • Charlie Sheen
  • Colourful hats
  • Buffy- Fuck you Peter.
  • Any show that Petra Bagust is on.
  • That 1 seagull thats a bastard to the other seagulls